Choosing a Good Tuner is as important as choosing a Good Doctor.
You will be presented with a bewildering selection of companies, all claiming to be the best in the industry, unfortunately the industry has been flooded with “Get Rich Quick” merchants all desperate to take your money from you.
In most cases the “Get Rich Quick” operators haven't invested in genuine tools and software, but instead bought “Cloned” counterfeit remapping tools off the internet.
Buying a fake doctors kit off the internet, doesn't make you a doctor and the same applies to fake tuning equipment, not making you a tuner.
Quality Of Data Files is Critical
Using files sourced from some unknown and unqualified "self acclaimed tuner" on the internet is like allowing a doctor to inject you with some unknown drug, you just wouldn't do it would you?
They have little “if any” industry knowledge or experience, and when something goes wrong, you will be left hanging.
Fake Tuning
In some cases the files they are writing back to your ecu are exactly the sames as the file that was on there in the first place "Fake Tuning"
You might find that hard to beleive, but fake tuning has been happening for years, we know because we have been asked to check countless cars after the customer suspected they had been ripped off.
Great Story and a Cheap Price
Don’t get sucked in by a good story and what appears to be an incredible price.
Instead of taking the word of self-acclaimed tuning experts, a search on google will reveal some very interesting, yet disturbing facts about a few “so called” professionals.
Unlike some testimonials “Bert for Bognor says we are Brill” our customers are real people.
Don’t take our word for it, ask the people that know best “Our Customers”
As a potential customer you have every cause to be skeptical...
You may have questions like
1. Does this remapping even work, or am I going to get ripped off?
2. Have other customers been happy with your services?
3. Is it worth the investment?
Naturally you want to know a business or service is trustworthy and credible before you take the plunge.
Unfortunately There Are So Many Poor ECU Remappers in the industry, it has become very difficult for the average customer to select a genuine provider that offers a high level of proficiency and experience.
Genuine Customer Testimonials are Crucial
Its not unknown for some less reputable companies or individuals to make up their own testimonials to boost sales.
For a professional tuner with years of expereince in the trade it is easy to spot the fake ones, but for customers with little or no technical knowledge it is easy to get taken in by the lies.
Our Customer Testimionials are 100% Genuine and can be found on Facebook and Google where we have zero control over the content and cannot edit it in anyway.
Testimonials allow our satisfied customers to tell of their experience when dealing with us.
From your perspective it helps put your mind at ease, knowing that other customers have been happy and satisfied after doing business with MPG Tuning.
Social Proof
Testimonials are often referred to as “Social Proof,” and they are one of the most powerful tools a buyer of any product or service has at their disposal, allowing them to assess the benefits of using a particular suppliers of goods or services.
Cheapest Price is the Best?
Some people shop around for the cheapest price assuming that all reamps are the same, but nothing could be further from the truth and in many cases, ends up costing the bargain hunter significantly more than it would have done to get the job done right in the first case, even if it wasn't the cheapest quote.
MPG Tuning Offer Professional ECU Remap and Tuning services including but not limited to ECU Remapping, EGR Delete, DPF Solutions, VAG Emissions Recall Scandal Rollback, Tricore Processor Programming, Boot Mode and Traditional Chip Tuning.
© Copyright MPG Tuning 2018 – Monitored by OC-RiS